Multimodal AI is a new AI paradigm, in which various data types (image, text, speech, numerical data) are combined with multiple intelligence processing algorithms to achieve higher performances. Multimodal AI often outperforms single modal AI in many real-world problems. Check the following demo video to see what Multimodal AI can do.
Aimenicorn is a Multimodal AI software ecosystem developed by Aimesoft. Aimenicorn simplifies the process of applying Multimodal AI technologies in various industries by providing Multimodal AI software packages.
Aimenicorn contains three main layers: The bottom layer is the Multimodal AI framework, which provides complicated data fusion algorithms and machine learning/inference technologies. The middle layer contains the core libraries/frameworks based on Multimodal AI, such as AimeCard for structure analysis and document image examinations of the OCR, with AimeFace being used for face recognition technologies and AimeFluent for natural language understanding. Finally, the top layer contains various applications for specific domains, which combine cutting-edge Multimodal AI technologies with deep domain knowledge to yield an impressive user experience. AimeHotel, AimeHospital, AimeBank, Aime AIShop are just some of these applications.
Aimesoft’s technologies to realize Multimodal AI
Tokenization, POS tagging, keyword extraction, synonym/antonym detection, information extraction, relation extraction, semantic search, natural language understanding
Object recognition, semantic segmentation, face recognition, gender/age recognition, OCR (optical character recognition), image search/retrieval, predictive analytics based on image
Language model extraction from Web text, acoustic model creation, hot word/trigger word detection, noise cancellation, etc.
Big Data processing, KPI prediction, predictive analytics based on Big Data, recommendation algorithms, data generation for machine learning
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